Watch Chapter 5 and review!
Thank you all for watching my movie, i'd appreciate it if you would watch and leave some feedback through a review. Thank you all for voting. I can't believe my movie did so great. Daily 3rd! Thanks a start! Chapter 6 is in production. Jaiba productions is an award winning production crew. Thank you all for voting.
The Last Hour series is an alternative interpretation of the Last Hours on earth before the coming of Christ. In this version of Revelations, the Anti-Christ allies himself with an alien race from the planet of Jaiba.
The Last Hour: Chapter 5 (The Deceived)
Time is running short for the rebellion. With the rebellion exposed, the rebels now must act quickly or suffer defeat by the hand of the powerful deceiver the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christs' followers are growing by the minute. The world has been fooled into believing their savior is here. Ohh how wrong they are...
I hope you enjoy the series.
***I will respond to every single review. I'll be happy to take your criticism, and i'll take your suggestions into consideration. It's my promise for taking the time to watch this chapter. It will be perfect for you to increase your review/response ratio. Thanks again.***
***Chapter 6 is in production. I will post an update with more details soon***